
To whom it may concern,

You may remember my daughter, Samantha (Sam) Hickman, who was with your program June 2003 through mid-December 2004.  Two months have passed since Sam graduated from high school, so I have been somewhat remiss in my intentions to write this letter.  I am grateful everyday that we found the program before Sam’s situation had become any more dire or her consequences permanent.  While this letter is primarily about Paul Fowler, I also want to express my appreciation to everyone I encountered during Sam’s stay at the program.

Most of all I want to express my appreciation of Paul Fowler.  Even within the context of all of the exceptional individuals that we came to know at the program, Paul stands apart in his efforts to help my daughter reclaim herself.  While she is continuing to struggle with her identity and her choices, Sam now has a foundation of beliefs, self-knowledge and practices that shore her up during difficult times.  Paul has my unflagging gratitude for the role he has played in helping Sam, and in turn, our family relationship.  He has an incredible ability to balance spiritual sensibilities with the practicalities of life and to demonstrate these in a manner that teenagers can understand and adapt.  His dedication, wisdom and unfaltering love for my daughter have enabled her to take healthy risks with renewed faith and confidence.  Further, Paul sets an example of humility, respect and joy that is a model for children and adults alike.

Much of the work Paul has done with Sam in terms of identity and belief systems has continued to unfold for her after leaving the program, and I credit him directly with many of Sam’s recent successes.  I know Paul does not have a doctorate in psychology or a medical degree in psychiatry.  We had seen a number of those professionals prior to your program.  But what Paul does and what Paul knows, works.  The presence of Paul has been an intervention of grace.

Sam is now in the process of applying for colleges for acceptance into the 2004 freshman class.  Without the dedication of Paul and the other extraordinary people at your program, I know we would have never seen this juncture.  So thank you for your program and the work of your staff members.

Lynn tambor Hickman,

March 2004

November 21, 2024

To whom it may concern,

My name is Jennifer Theisen and I am a parent of a son with behavioral health disorders. I have had the pleasure of receiving parent training and coaching from Paul Fowler while my son was at Equinox Counseling & Wellness Center. I am happy to recommend Paul as a coach and I feel that his demeanor and knowledge will be a great fit for any position he pursues. While working together with other parents and individually, I noticed that Paul always used a gentle touch to guide us through the challenges and uncomfortable situations. At the same time, he praised every accomplishment, no matter how small we had as parents.

I always felt that Paul was invested in our success. He made it clear that I could come to him for help anytime and he made a genuine effort to get to know us and our family. He has given me valuable feedback on how to provide the best support to our son and it's clear that his helpful nature extends to all families. Paul’s experience, along with his commitment to families, will make him a valuable addition to your company. If you'd like further information on Paul or additional examples, please reach out to me, as I would be happy to provide more details.


Jennifer Theisen

(303) 550-8471

Testimonial for Paul Fowler by Jiraporn Seangatith

Paul is one of the most practical, thoughtful, kind and empathetic individuals. His phenomenal listening ability and non-judgmental approach helped me and my teenaged daughter to open up, get a fresh start and develop a trusting relationship. Paul would challenge what my daughter said, encouraging her very effectively to re-appraise how she saw the world. He is always very careful, to ensure my daughters willingness to be challenged.

He helped us identify both key issues and strategies to address them. Equally as importantly, he helped put the issues into perspective which made them feel more manageable and also less negative overall. We always came out of a session with Paul feeling more positive, energized and happy.

I am deeply grateful to Paul for his advice and continuing support. Jiraporn Seangatith,



I am reaching out to offer my perspective on Paul Fowler as a coach in individual and group settings. Paul and I worked together for nearly three years at Greenbrier Academy. During our time together I got to know Paul well and felt like I gained a good sense of who he is as a professional and an individual. Below are my reflections on his experience as a professional and what he was like as a colleague.

With clients (adolescents and adults), I noticed that Paul was able to gain rapport quickly. His steady nature, authenticity, and integrity helped others feel at ease and create a sense of safety and security for them. This sense offered clients an opportunity to be their authentic selves, lean into healing, and also explore what might be possible if they tried something different. He is well- versed in a number of different intervention techniques and very skilled at helping clients step into different perspectives to increase their awareness of what they are doing to perpetuate their challenges. This also helps to offer them insight into what they could begin to do differently to help them create healthier relationships for themselves. Paul's ability extended to group settings too. During parent program (typically 5 students with their parents), I watched Paul set up and pace parent-child dyads through difficult conversations. His ability to teach the group, ask thoughtful questions helped create understanding and empathy where before there had been confusion and distance. In small and large group settings with adolescent girls, Paul thrived at making room for all voices and offering students reflective and safe spaces for dialogue, disagreement, resolution, and healing.

As a colleague, I knew I could rely on Paul for support; when he said that he would do something, he invested himself to ensure the task was done right and well. We regularly worked together to interrupt challenging patterns in parent-child dynamics. This partnership often helped me overcome hurdles in clinical work and/or offered opportunities for us to "tag-team" a challenging space. Paul's insight and approaches were vital in healing wounds within the client's family system. Families noticed when we worked together and gave us positive feedback.

If you have any questions or need any other information, please let me know, I am happy to speak on Paul's behalf.

Emily Landseidel MSW, LGSW, MBA


I am happily writing this endorsement for Paul Fowler who is the epitome of a servant leader. We met when he facilitated our Parent Workshop at my daughter’s Therapeutic Boarding School in the summer of 2022. There were four families attending virtually while he was with our children in a room on campus. The workshop was two eight-hour days. Paul then hosted us on eight 90 minute Parent Support Zoom calls at night over four months. In the Fall, I attended the school’s first ever Father’s Village which consisted of seven Dads living in a rustic Yurt camp for three days of 20 plus hours of intensive therapy proctored by Paul. Outside of these curated events, Paul also filled in seamlessly on family therapy calls on last minute notice and became the parents confident.

In all, Paul has coached me both virtually and in-person for over 40 hours this past year and he is highly effective in both venues. He is disarming and naturally empathetic. He draws you in with planned, relatable stories and seamlessly connects your comments and situations back to the moral of the tale. He put our group at ease which elicited comfortable participation by all. I can truly say I looked forward to those support calls and what story he would come up with next. The fact that both the parent workshop group and the Village dads still communicate regularly on our own is a testament to what Paul created.

His old school integrity mixed with present day awareness and compassion creates a unique individual that earns trust quickly. He became a conduit for my family and other parents to pass on our concerns regarding the school. He navigated the difficult line advocating for us “customers” while maintaining his loyalty and obligations to the school. While we didn’t always get results or changes, we knew it had gotten its due and fair attention.

I currently manage a National Post Sale Support team, which includes 25 corporate trainers. I led the transition from in-person instruction to virtual during COVID. While there certainly was lots of work modifying content, presentations, EHS concerns, and logistics in a shifting landscape, the hardest piece was the actual instructors adapting to different skill sets required in the virtual classroom. It is clear that Paul excelled during any transition Greenbrier may have made. His mastery of the material and his general love of what he was teaching came through as loud and clear over the monitor as he did in person. His passion led to believability which led to effectiveness.

In a previous role, I was a hiring manager and was brought in for the majority of interviews and talent evaluations for our region. Specifically, from attending semi- annual Orion Talent events placing outgoing military, we found two individuals that didn’t match any open roles but exuded such character and integrity, that we created a role for them because we knew they would represent and make our organization better. Paul is such a character. When Paul asked if I would write a testimonial for him, I was honored, as I am positive would the other parents. If you have any questions or would like to discuss our interactions further, please reach out.

T. Heston Allocco

15633 Northstone Dr Huntersville, NC 28078 hesallocco@outlook.com 704.420.3186